佛山市旧衣宝再生资源有限公司是一家致力于旧衣服回收、再利用的环保企业,坐落于广东省佛山市,目前厂房办公楼面积 达15000 平方米,年产值近 8000 万元,车间分拣工人 100 多人。公司是集二手衣物:夏装、秋冬装、鞋子和包包等旧衣物专业回收、生产、加工、出口为一体的外贸公司,在非洲和东南亚建立了成熟、稳定的销售市场和渠道,在国内拥有持续稳定的货源系统,确保我们的货源质量。公司建立了科学而完善的生产流水线,构建了严谨而诚信的质量管理监督体系,是一家着眼于长远发展的公司。本公司的诚信、实力和产品质量赢得了广大客户的好评以及业界的认可!联系时请注明是在旧衣服网站上面看到的信息。
联系方式:邢总 17159655555
Foshan Jiuyibao Renewable Resources Co., Ltd. is an environmental protection enterprise dedicated to the recycling of old clothes. It is located in Foshan City, Guangdong Province. At present, the area of factory buildings and office buildings amounts to 15000 square meters, with an annual output value of nearly 80 million yuan.There are more than 100 sorting workers in the workshop. The company is a second-hand clothing foreign trade company, which specializes in recycling, producing and processing used clothing, such as used summer clothing, used winter clothing, used shoes and used bags, etc. Export as a whole, We established a mature, stable sales markets and channels in Africa and Southeast Asia, and in China we have a stable supply system. The company has established a scientific and perfect production line, constructed a rigorous and honest quality management supervision system, is a long-term development of the company. The company's integrity, strength and product quality has been recognized by the industry!
Tel: STEVEN +8617159655555
Email: secondclothing@126.com